0001 – A Commitment Is Scheduled

Reading blogs doesn't teach me how to write software. I have what feels like an impossible task set for myself in that I'm trying to become a self-taught programmer. I follow a very many sites that range from general tech news down to individual independent Apple developers. It's a fantastic way to stay up on the community and feel like I'm part of it.

But I have to remind myself that I'm not. Not yet anyway. It might actually be better for me to read a little bit less, because I've realized that each bit that I read makes me feel like I'm doing something. I go to sleep feeling like I took steps towards my goal that day. In reality if reaching the goal is like climbing to the peak of a mountain then reading more about development is like walking around the mountain. Sure, I'm seeing more of that mountain which certainly is better than standing still, but I'm really better served by heading towards the mountain.

To that end I am taking a more active step in managing my time. Unlike some other disciplines that can be parceled into smaller chunks of learning, programming requires (or at least seems to require) a 1-2 hour minimum to really get into the subject and make progress. Trying to pick up where I left off and make progress in only a 20 minute window just isn't useful. So, I'm going to block out time on my calendar and make myself honor that commitment.

I didn't actually call the calendar event that.

I didn't actually call the calendar event that.